Saturday Weekly Meditation
April 26 @ 9:00 am

Click here to join the Saturday Zoom meeting.
meeting ID: 825 3357 2460
passcode: treetop.20
The Saturday program begins with a 25-minute service followed by two 25-minute periods of zazen (seated meditation). The first period ends with five minutes of kinhin (walking meditation) and commonly a dharma talk or monthly recitation of the precepts (fusatsu). During the second sitting period, the teachers offer daisan (a private interview to discuss practice) to those attending in person.
We’re currently sitting in person in Oakland and remotely over Zoom.
Zen 1-2-3, the basics of Zen and sitting
Gathas, to follow along with our chants
Service book, to follow along with service chants
Fusatsu, chants for the renewal of vows