Jukai ceremony for Wild Fox’s Andrew Collard, Deborah Hoffert, Susan Livingston, and Gary Robinson (August 18, 2022):
Tokudo ceremony for Brad Beukema and Patrick Bradshaw (June 12, 2022):
Mary Jo Carlsen’s shuso hossen ceremony (June 10, 2022):
Jukai ceremony for Brad Beukema and Jas Singh (October 17, 2021):
Patrick Bradshaw’s jukai ceremony (January 16, 2020):
The sangha (January 2019):
The sangha (October 2018):
Julie Rose’s tokudo ceremony (December 8, 2016):
Dharma transmission for Jaime McLeod and Todd Watson (May 14, 2016):
Jaime McLeod’s tokudo ceremony (December 10, 2015):